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Technology and its significant impact on the environment

Like the transport and industrial sectors, technology has been shown to have a considerable impact on the environment. Greenhouse gas emissions generated by digital technology have been rising steadily in recent years. The result is increasing environmental pollution.


Pollution linked to the manufacture of appliances

Pollution starts not only when appliances are used, but also, and above all, when they are manufactured. Manufacturing involves the use of large quantities of raw materials and energy. To produce a laptop or a television set, metals have to be collected from the four corners of the world. What's more, extracting these materials requires a massive amount of fossil fuels. This causes considerable environmental pollution. It has been proven that these appliances emit hundreds of tonnes of CO2 before they are even used.


Digital technology has a significant environmental impact

Did you know that surfing the Internet and storing data in the cloud have a negative impact on the environment? Human behaviour is one of the main causes of climate change and pollution, and the introduction of 5G is no exception. It only increases the carbon footprint of digital technology. While it is true that 5G requires less energy than 4G, the power consumption of this network is significantly higher.


How can we limit digital pollution?

Digital technology is an integral part of our daily lives, but it is possible to reduce the pollution it generates. Every day, we can take simple steps to help save the planet. For example, it's a good idea to extend the life of equipment by reconditioning it rather than buying new. It's also a good idea to opt for reconditioned appliances, which have become very fashionable recently. Systematically switching off electronic devices before going to bed at night or leaving the house is also a good ecological gesture.

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