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Auditing & Waste Management

Our services

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At CEO Sarl, our aim is to reduce the amount of waste in our environment. We work closely with businesses and local authorities to improve waste management and increase recycling rates.

Our flexible solutions, experienced team and state-of-the-art facilities enable us to offer a cost-effective, tailored and practical solution to all our customers. From SMEs to local councils and national organisations, we help all kinds of customers to implement compliant and environmentally-friendly waste management.

Our waste management solutions

We collect and manage waste from three different sources:

CEO Sarl déchets ligneux

Wood waste management

As raw material or source of energy, wood waste and residues are valuable and offer opportunities for re-use. It is estimated that Cameroon has a production capacity of 5 million m3 of standing wood per year. Treetops, branches, stumps, roots and spurs left in timber yards account for around 50% of the standing volume, or 2.5 million m3.
CEO SARL manages the collection, sorting and preparation for recycling using techniques that respect our environment.

CEO Sarl gestion des déchets platiques

Plastic waste management

Every year, several million tonnes of waste end up in the world's oceans, turning the sea into a huge rubbish dump and generating environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems. Statistics from Cameroon's Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development show that around 7,2000,000 tonnes of plastic waste are generated every year in Cameroon. Plastic is, after all, a very durable material and therefore a key pollutant.

Organic waste management

The uncontrolled incineration of various types of waste poses risks to health and the environment. The gases emitted during combustion are a source of unpleasant odours and contribute to the destruction of the ozone layer. Alternative solutions, such as converting waste into biogas, need to be found to prevent these problems.