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Production of materials & renewable energy

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Production of biological coal

Le charbon biologique, également connu sous le nom de charbon actif biologique ou charbon végétal, est un matériau poreux dérivé de sources biologiques telles que le bois, les coques de noix de coco, les noyaux de fruits et d'autres matériaux végétaux. Il est largement utilisé pour ses propriétés d'adsorption et de filtration. Le charbon biologique est utilisé dans de nombreux domaines, notamment :

It is used in water filtration systems to remove contaminants such as chemical productsthe heavy metalsthe organic contaminants and the bad tastes and smells.

It is used in air purifiers to eliminate odours, toxic gases, air pollutants and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

It is used in wastewater treatment to remove organic substances, dyes and contaminants from industrial effluents.

It is used in medicine to treat intoxication and filter blood and medicines, and in activated carbon masks to filter the air we breathe.

It is used in hydroponics to improve water quality and plant health by reducing contaminant levels and promoting root growth.

Wood Vinegar Production

Le vinaigre de bois, obtenu à partir des fumées toxiques de la carbonisation du bois, est un bioproduit utilisé dans divers domaines. Il est employé comme fertilisant et pesticide biologique en agriculture, et comme complément alimentaire pour les animaux en élevage, réduisant le taux de cholestérol et prévenant les maladies gastro-intestinales. Les résidus de la carbonisation peuvent également être transformés en charbon écologique. Ainsi, le vinaigre de bois valorise les déchets de bois tout en respectant l'environnement.

Production of wood pellets

Également appelés pellets, sont des petits cylindres de bois compressé fabriqués à partir de déchets de bois tels que la sciure, les copeaux et les résidus de scierie. Ils sont couramment utilisés comme source d'énergie renouvelable et alternative dans différents domaines et plusieurs utilisations dont :

used as fuel in pellet stoves and biomass boilers for residential heating. They offer an ecological and efficient alternative to fossil fuels such as natural gas, fuel oil or electricity.

used in industrial heating installations, dryers, grain dryers, greenhouses, agricultural installations and other industrial processes that require heat.

used in biomass power stations to produce electricity. They are burnt in special boilers to generate steam that turns a turbine and produces electricity.

Wood pellets are used in restaurants, hotels, bakeries and other commercial establishments to fuel ovens, pizza stoves and other cooking equipment . .

ceo sarl biogas

Biogas production

Biogas production is a sustainable and renewable method of generating energy from organic waste such as agricultural residues, food waste and manure. Through a process called anaerobic digestion, this waste is broken down by bacteria to produce biogas, which is mainly composed of methane and carbon dioxide. The biogas can then be used to produce electricity, heat or fuel, offering a clean and economical alternative to fossil fuels. As well as producing energy, biogas production contributes to sustainable waste management, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and local development by creating jobs in the renewable energy sector.


Ecological paving stones

Ecological paving stones are sustainable, environmentally-friendly floor coverings. They are made from permeable materials such as concrete or natural stone. Their design allows water to seep into the ground, reducing the risk of flooding. Eco-friendly pavers use recycled materials, helping to reduce waste and conserve natural resources. Their use also promotes energy-efficient production practices. They are versatile and can be used in a variety of sustainable construction projects such as pavements, driveways and public spaces.